Radio Group
Radio Group
A set of checkable buttons—known as radio buttons—where no more than one of the buttons can be checked at a time.
import {
} from "@repo/tailwindcss/ui/radio-group";
import { For } from "solid-js";
const RadioGroupDemo = () => {
return (
<RadioGroup defaultValue="Orange" class="grid gap-2">
<For each={["Apple", "Orange", "Watermelon"]}>
{(fruit) => (
<RadioGroupItem value={fruit} class="flex items-center gap-2">
<RadioGroupItemControl />
<RadioGroupItemLabel class="text-sm">{fruit}</RadioGroupItemLabel>
export default RadioGroupDemo;
npx shadcn-solid@latest add radio-group
Install the following dependencies:
npm install @kobalte/core
Copy and paste the following code into your project:
import { cn } from "@/libs/cn";
import type { PolymorphicProps } from "@kobalte/core/polymorphic";
import type { RadioGroupItemControlProps } from "@kobalte/core/radio-group";
import { RadioGroup as RadioGroupPrimitive } from "@kobalte/core/radio-group";
import type { ValidComponent, VoidProps } from "solid-js";
import { splitProps } from "solid-js";
export const RadioGroupDescription = RadioGroupPrimitive.Description;
export const RadioGroupErrorMessage = RadioGroupPrimitive.ErrorMessage;
export const RadioGroupItemDescription = RadioGroupPrimitive.ItemDescription;
export const RadioGroupItemInput = RadioGroupPrimitive.ItemInput;
export const RadioGroupItemLabel = RadioGroupPrimitive.ItemLabel;
export const RadioGroupLabel = RadioGroupPrimitive.Label;
export const RadioGroup = RadioGroupPrimitive;
export const RadioGroupItem = RadioGroupPrimitive.Item;
type radioGroupItemControlProps<T extends ValidComponent = "div"> = VoidProps<
RadioGroupItemControlProps<T> & { class?: string }
export const RadioGroupItemControl = <T extends ValidComponent = "div">(
props: PolymorphicProps<T, radioGroupItemControlProps<T>>,
) => {
const [local, rest] = splitProps(props as radioGroupItemControlProps, [
return (
"flex aspect-square h-4 w-4 items-center justify-center rounded-full border border-primary text-primary shadow transition-shadow focus:outline-none focus-visible:ring-[1.5px] focus-visible:ring-ring disabled:cursor-not-allowed disabled:opacity-50 data-[checked]:bg-foreground",
<RadioGroupPrimitive.ItemIndicator class="h-2 w-2 rounded-full data-[checked]:bg-background" />
Install the following dependencies:
npm install @kobalte/core
Copy and paste the following code into your project:
import { cn } from "@/libs/cn";
import type { PolymorphicProps } from "@kobalte/core/polymorphic";
import type { RadioGroupItemControlProps } from "@kobalte/core/radio-group";
import { RadioGroup as RadioGroupPrimitive } from "@kobalte/core/radio-group";
import type { ValidComponent, VoidProps } from "solid-js";
import { splitProps } from "solid-js";
export const RadioGroupDescription = RadioGroupPrimitive.Description;
export const RadioGroupErrorMessage = RadioGroupPrimitive.ErrorMessage;
export const RadioGroupItemDescription = RadioGroupPrimitive.ItemDescription;
export const RadioGroupItemInput = RadioGroupPrimitive.ItemInput;
export const RadioGroupItemLabel = RadioGroupPrimitive.ItemLabel;
export const RadioGroupLabel = RadioGroupPrimitive.Label;
export const RadioGroup = RadioGroupPrimitive;
export const RadioGroupItem = RadioGroupPrimitive.Item;
type radioGroupItemControlProps<T extends ValidComponent = "div"> = VoidProps<
RadioGroupItemControlProps<T> & { class?: string }
export const RadioGroupItemControl = <T extends ValidComponent = "div">(
props: PolymorphicProps<T, radioGroupItemControlProps<T>>,
) => {
const [local, rest] = splitProps(props as radioGroupItemControlProps, [
return (
"flex aspect-square h-4 w-4 items-center justify-center rounded-full border border-primary text-primary shadow focus:outline-none focus-visible:(ring-1.5 ring-ring) disabled:(cursor-not-allowed opacity-50) data-[checked]:bg-foreground bg-inherit transition-shadow",
<RadioGroupPrimitive.ItemIndicator class="h-2 w-2 rounded-full data-[checked]:bg-background" />
import { RadioGroup, RadioGroupItem } from "@/components/ui/radio-group";
<RadioGroup defaultValue="option-one">
<RadioGroupItem value="option-one" />
<RadioGroupItem value="option-two" />