import type { DropdownMenuTriggerProps } from "@kobalte/core/dropdown-menu" ;
import type { SelectTriggerProps } from "@kobalte/core/select" ;
import { Badge } from "@repo/tailwindcss/ui/badge" ;
import { Button } from "@repo/tailwindcss/ui/button" ;
import { Checkbox, CheckboxControl } from "@repo/tailwindcss/ui/checkbox" ;
import {
} from "@repo/tailwindcss/ui/dropdown-menu" ;
import {
} from "@repo/tailwindcss/ui/select" ;
import {
} from "@repo/tailwindcss/ui/table" ;
import { TextField, TextFieldRoot } from "@repo/tailwindcss/ui/textfield" ;
import type {
} from "@tanstack/solid-table" ;
import {
} from "@tanstack/solid-table" ;
import type { VoidProps } from "solid-js" ;
import {
} from "solid-js" ;
import { dataTable } from "./data-table-data" ;
export type Task = {
id : string ;
code : string ;
title : string ;
status : "todo" | "in-progress" | "done" | "cancelled" ;
label : "bug" | "feature" | "enhancement" | "documentation" ;
const filteredStatusList = () =>
[ "todo" , "in-progress" , "done" , "cancelled" ]. map ((e) => ({
title: e,
value: e,
const TableColumnHeader = < TData , TValue >(
props : VoidProps <{ column : Column < TData , TValue >; title : string }>,
) => {
const [local] = splitProps (props, [ "column" , "title" ]);
return (
< Show
when={ local.column. getCanSort () && local.column. getCanHide () }
fallback={< span class= "text-sm font-medium" >{ local.title }</ span >}
< div class= "flex items-center space-x-2" >
< DropdownMenu >
< DropdownMenuTrigger
as={ (props : DropdownMenuTriggerProps ) => (
< Button
local.column. getIsSorted () === "desc"
? "Sorted descending. Click to sort ascending."
: local.column. getIsSorted () === "asc"
? "Sorted ascending. Click to sort descending."
: "Not sorted. Click to sort ascending."
variant= "ghost"
class= "-ml-4 h-8 data-[expanded]:bg-accent"
{... props }
< span >{ local.title }</ span >
< div class= "ml-1" >
< Switch
< svg
xmlns= ""
class= "size-3.5"
viewBox= "0 0 24 24"
aria-hidden= "true"
< path
fill= "none"
stroke= "currentColor"
stroke-linecap= "round"
stroke-linejoin= "round"
stroke-width= "2"
d= "m8 9l4-4l4 4m0 6l-4 4l-4-4"
</ svg >
< Match when={ local.column. getIsSorted () === "asc" }>
< svg
xmlns= ""
class= "size-3.5"
viewBox= "0 0 24 24"
aria-hidden= "true"
< path
fill= "none"
stroke= "currentColor"
stroke-linecap= "round"
stroke-linejoin= "round"
stroke-width= "2"
d= "M12 5v14m4-10l-4-4M8 9l4-4"
</ svg >
</ Match >
< Match when={ local.column. getIsSorted () === "desc" }>
< svg
xmlns= ""
class= "size-3.5"
viewBox= "0 0 24 24"
aria-hidden= "true"
< path
fill= "none"
stroke= "currentColor"
stroke-linecap= "round"
stroke-linejoin= "round"
stroke-width= "2"
d= "M12 5v14m4-4l-4 4m-4-4l4 4"
</ svg >
</ Match >
</ Switch >
</ div >
</ Button >
) }
< DropdownMenuContent >
< Show when={ local.column. getCanSort () }>
< DropdownMenuItem
aria-label= "Sort ascending"
onClick={ () => local.column. toggleSorting ( false , true ) }
< svg
xmlns= ""
class= "mr-2 size-4 text-muted-foreground/70"
aria-hidden= "true"
viewBox= "0 0 24 24"
< path
fill= "none"
stroke= "currentColor"
stroke-linecap= "round"
stroke-linejoin= "round"
stroke-width= "2"
d= "M12 5v14m4-10l-4-4M8 9l4-4"
</ svg >
</ DropdownMenuItem >
< DropdownMenuItem
aria-label= "Sort descending"
onClick={ () => local.column. toggleSorting ( true , true ) }
< svg
xmlns= ""
class= "mr-2 size-4 text-muted-foreground/70"
aria-hidden= "true"
viewBox= "0 0 24 24"
< path
fill= "none"
stroke= "currentColor"
stroke-linecap= "round"
stroke-linejoin= "round"
stroke-width= "2"
d= "M12 5v14m4-4l-4 4m-4-4l4 4"
</ svg >
</ DropdownMenuItem >
</ Show >
< Show when={ local.column. getCanSort () && local.column. getCanHide () }>
< DropdownMenuSeparator />
</ Show >
< Show when={ local.column. getCanHide () }>
< DropdownMenuItem
aria-label= "Hide column"
onClick={ () => local.column. toggleVisibility ( false ) }
< svg
xmlns= ""
class= "mr-2 size-4 text-muted-foreground/70"
aria-hidden= "true"
viewBox= "0 0 24 24"
< path
fill= "none"
stroke= "currentColor"
stroke-linecap= "round"
stroke-linejoin= "round"
stroke-width= "2"
d= "M21 9c-2.4 2.667-5.4 4-9 4c-3.6 0-6.6-1.333-9-4m0 6l2.5-3.8M21 14.976L18.508 11.2M9 17l.5-4m5.5 4l-.5-4"
</ svg >
</ DropdownMenuItem >
</ Show >
</ DropdownMenuContent >
</ DropdownMenu >
</ div >
</ Show >
const columns : ColumnDef < Task >[] = [
id: "selects" ,
header : (props) => (
< Checkbox
indeterminate={ props.table. getIsSomePageRowsSelected () }
checked={ props.table. getIsAllPageRowsSelected () }
onChange={ (value) => props.table. toggleAllPageRowsSelected (value) }
aria-label= "Select all"
class= "translate-y-[2px]"
< CheckboxControl />
</ Checkbox >
cell : (props) => (
< Checkbox
checked={ props.row. getIsSelected () }
onChange={ (value) => props.row. toggleSelected (value) }
aria-label= "Select row"
class= "translate-y-[2px]"
< CheckboxControl />
</ Checkbox >
enableSorting: false ,
enableHiding: false ,
accessorKey: "code" ,
header : (props) => < TableColumnHeader column={ props.column } title= "Task" /> ,
cell : (props) => < div class= "w-[70px]" >{ props.row. getValue ( "code" ) }</ div > ,
enableSorting: false ,
enableHiding: false ,
accessorKey: "title" ,
header : (props) => (
< TableColumnHeader column={ props.column } title= "Title" />
cell : (props) => (
< div class= "flex space-x-2" >
< Badge variant= "outline" >{ props.row.original.label }</ Badge >
< span class= "max-w-[250px] truncate font-medium" >
{ props.row. getValue ( "title" ) }
</ span >
</ div >
accessorKey: "status" ,
header : (props) => (
< TableColumnHeader column={ props.column } title= "Status" />
cell : (props) => (
< div class= "flex w-[100px] items-center" >
< Switch >
< Match when={ props.row.original.status === "cancelled" }>
< svg
xmlns= ""
width= "1em"
height= "1em"
class= "mr-2 size-4 text-muted-foreground"
aria-hidden= "true"
viewBox= "0 0 24 24"
< path
fill= "none"
stroke= "currentColor"
stroke-linecap= "round"
stroke-linejoin= "round"
stroke-width= "2"
d= "M10 20.777a8.942 8.942 0 0 1-2.48-.969M14 3.223a9.003 9.003 0 0 1 0 17.554m-9.421-3.684a8.961 8.961 0 0 1-1.227-2.592M3.124 10.5c.16-.95.468-1.85.9-2.675l.169-.305m2.714-2.941A8.954 8.954 0 0 1 10 3.223M14 14l-4-4m0 4l4-4"
</ svg >
</ Match >
< Match when={ props.row.original.status === "done" }>
< svg
xmlns= ""
width= "1em"
height= "1em"
class= "mr-2 size-4 text-muted-foreground"
aria-hidden= "true"
viewBox= "0 0 24 24"
< g
fill= "none"
stroke= "currentColor"
stroke-linecap= "round"
stroke-linejoin= "round"
stroke-width= "2"
< path d= "M10 20.777a8.942 8.942 0 0 1-2.48-.969M14 3.223a9.003 9.003 0 0 1 0 17.554m-9.421-3.684a8.961 8.961 0 0 1-1.227-2.592M3.124 10.5c.16-.95.468-1.85.9-2.675l.169-.305m2.714-2.941A8.954 8.954 0 0 1 10 3.223" />
< path d= "m9 12l2 2l4-4" />
</ g >
</ svg >
</ Match >
< Match when={ props.row.original.status === "in-progress" }>
< svg
xmlns= ""
width= "1em"
height= "1em"
class= "mr-2 size-4 text-muted-foreground"
aria-hidden= "true"
viewBox= "0 0 24 24"
< path
fill= "none"
stroke= "currentColor"
stroke-linecap= "round"
stroke-linejoin= "round"
stroke-width= "2"
d= "M10 20.777a8.942 8.942 0 0 1-2.48-.969M14 3.223a9.003 9.003 0 0 1 0 17.554m-9.421-3.684a8.961 8.961 0 0 1-1.227-2.592M3.124 10.5c.16-.95.468-1.85.9-2.675l.169-.305m2.714-2.941A8.954 8.954 0 0 1 10 3.223M12 9l-2 3h4l-2 3"
</ svg >
</ Match >
< Match when={ props.row.original.status === "todo" }>
< svg
xmlns= ""
width= "1em"
height= "1em"
class= "mr-2 size-4 text-muted-foreground"
aria-hidden= "true"
viewBox= "0 0 24 24"
< g
fill= "none"
stroke= "currentColor"
stroke-linecap= "round"
stroke-linejoin= "round"
stroke-width= "2"
< path d= "M12 16v.01M12 13a2 2 0 0 0 .914-3.782a1.98 1.98 0 0 0-2.414.483M10 20.777a8.942 8.942 0 0 1-2.48-.969" />
< path d= "M14 3.223a9.003 9.003 0 0 1 0 17.554m-9.421-3.684a8.961 8.961 0 0 1-1.227-2.592M3.124 10.5c.16-.95.468-1.85.9-2.675l.169-.305m2.714-2.941A8.954 8.954 0 0 1 10 3.223" />
</ g >
</ svg >
</ Match >
</ Switch >
< span class= "capitalize" >{ props.row.original.status }</ span >
</ div >
filterFn : (row, id, value) => {
return Array. isArray (value) && value. includes (row. getValue (id));
id: "actions" ,
cell : () => (
< DropdownMenu placement= "bottom-end" >
< DropdownMenuTrigger class= "flex items-center justify-center" >
< svg
xmlns= ""
class= "size-4"
viewBox= "0 0 24 24"
< path
fill= "none"
stroke= "currentColor"
stroke-linecap= "round"
stroke-linejoin= "round"
stroke-width= "2"
d= "M4 12a1 1 0 1 0 2 0a1 1 0 1 0-2 0m7 0a1 1 0 1 0 2 0a1 1 0 1 0-2 0m7 0a1 1 0 1 0 2 0a1 1 0 1 0-2 0"
< title > Action </ title >
</ svg >
</ DropdownMenuTrigger >
< DropdownMenuContent >
< DropdownMenuItem > Edit </ DropdownMenuItem >
< DropdownMenuItem > Delete </ DropdownMenuItem >
</ DropdownMenuContent >
</ DropdownMenu >
const DataTableDemo = () => {
const data = createMemo (() => dataTable);
const [rowSelection, setRowSelection] = createSignal ({});
const [columnVisibility, setColumnVisibility] = createSignal < VisibilityState >(
const [columnFilters, setColumnFilters] = createSignal < ColumnFiltersState >(
const [sorting, setSorting] = createSignal < SortingState >([]);
const table = createSolidTable ({
get data () {
return data ();
state: {
get sorting () {
return sorting ();
get columnVisibility () {
return columnVisibility ();
get rowSelection () {
return rowSelection ();
get columnFilters () {
return columnFilters ();
enableRowSelection: true ,
onRowSelectionChange: setRowSelection,
onSortingChange: setSorting,
onColumnFiltersChange: setColumnFilters,
onColumnVisibilityChange: setColumnVisibility,
getCoreRowModel: getCoreRowModel (),
getFilteredRowModel: getFilteredRowModel (),
getPaginationRowModel: getPaginationRowModel (),
getSortedRowModel: getSortedRowModel (),
return (
< div class= "w-full space-y-2.5" >
< div class= "flex items-center justify-between gap-2" >
< TextFieldRoot >
< TextField
type= "text"
placeholder= "Filter titles..."
class= "h-8"
value={ (table. getColumn ( "title" )?. getFilterValue () as string ) ?? "" }
onInput={ (e) =>
table. getColumn ( "title" )?. setFilterValue (e.currentTarget.value)
</ TextFieldRoot >
< div class= "flex items-center gap-2" >
< Select
onChange={ (e) => {
. getColumn ( "status" )
?. setFilterValue (e.length ? e. map ((v) => v.value) : undefined);
} }
placement= "bottom-end"
sameWidth={ false }
options={ filteredStatusList () }
optionValue= "value"
optionTextValue= "title"
itemComponent={ (props) => (
< SelectItem item={ props.item } class= "capitalize" >
{ props.item.rawValue.title }
</ SelectItem >
) }
< SelectTrigger
as={ (props : SelectTriggerProps ) => (
< Button
{... props }
aria-label= "Filter status"
variant= "outline"
class= "relative flex h-8 w-full gap-2 [&>svg]:hidden"
< div class= "flex items-center" >
< svg
xmlns= ""
class= "mr-2 size-4"
viewBox= "0 0 24 24"
< path
fill= "none"
stroke= "currentColor"
stroke-linecap= "round"
stroke-linejoin= "round"
stroke-width= "2"
d= "m12 20l-3 1v-8.5L4.52 7.572A2 2 0 0 1 4 6.227V4h16v2.172a2 2 0 0 1-.586 1.414L15 12v1.5m2.001 5.5a2 2 0 1 0 4 0a2 2 0 1 0-4 0m2-3.5V17m0 4v1.5m3.031-5.25l-1.299.75m-3.463 2l-1.3.75m0-3.5l1.3.75m3.463 2l1.3.75"
< title > Status </ title >
</ svg >
</ div >
< SelectValue <
ReturnType < typeof filteredStatusList>[ 0 ]
> class= "flex h-full items-center gap-1" >
{ (state) => (
< Show
when={ state. selectedOptions ().length <= 2 }
< Badge class= "absolute -top-2 right-0 block size-4 rounded-full p-0 capitalize md:hidden" >
{ state. selectedOptions ().length }
</ Badge >
< Badge class= "hidden capitalize md:inline-flex py-0 px-1" >
{ state. selectedOptions ().length } selected
</ Badge >
< For each={ state. selectedOptions () }>
{ (item) => (
< Badge class= "absolute -top-2 right-0 block size-4 rounded-full p-0 capitalize md:hidden" >
{ state. selectedOptions ().length }
</ Badge >
< Badge class= "hidden capitalize md:inline-flex py-0 px-1" >
{ item.title }
</ Badge >
) }
</ For >
</ Show >
) }
</ SelectValue >
</ Button >
) }
< SelectContent />
</ Select >
< DropdownMenu placement= "bottom-end" >
< DropdownMenuTrigger
as={ (props : DropdownMenuTriggerProps ) => (
< Button
{... props }
aria-label= "Toggle columns"
variant= "outline"
class= "flex h-8"
< svg
xmlns= ""
class= "mr-2 size-4"
viewBox= "0 0 24 24"
< g
fill= "none"
stroke= "currentColor"
stroke-linecap= "round"
stroke-linejoin= "round"
stroke-width= "2"
< path d= "M10 12a2 2 0 1 0 4 0a2 2 0 0 0-4 0" />
< path d= "M12 18c-3.6 0-6.6-2-9-6c2.4-4 5.4-6 9-6c3.6 0 6.6 2 9 6m-3.999 7a2 2 0 1 0 4 0a2 2 0 1 0-4 0m2-3.5V17m0 4v1.5m3.031-5.25l-1.299.75m-3.463 2l-1.3.75m0-3.5l1.3.75m3.463 2l1.3.75" />
</ g >
< title > View </ title >
</ svg >
</ Button >
) }
< DropdownMenuContent class= "w-40" >
< DropdownMenuGroup >
< DropdownMenuGroupLabel > Toggle columns </ DropdownMenuGroupLabel >
< DropdownMenuSeparator />
< For
each={ table
. getAllColumns ()
. filter (
(column) =>
typeof column.accessorFn !== "undefined" &&
column. getCanHide (),
) }
{ (column) => (
< DropdownMenuCheckboxItem
class= "capitalize"
checked={ column. getIsVisible () }
onChange={ (value) => column. toggleVisibility (value) }
< span class= "truncate" >{ }</ span >
</ DropdownMenuCheckboxItem >
) }
</ For >
</ DropdownMenuGroup >
</ DropdownMenuContent >
</ DropdownMenu >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class= "rounded-md border" >
< Table >
< TableHeader >
< For each={ table. getHeaderGroups () }>
{ (headerGroup) => (
< TableRow >
< For each={ headerGroup.headers }>
{ (header) => {
return (
< TableHead >
{ header.isPlaceholder
? null
: flexRender (
header. getContext (),
) }
</ TableHead >
} }
</ For >
</ TableRow >
) }
</ For >
</ TableHeader >
< TableBody >
< Show
when={ table. getRowModel ().rows?.length }
< TableRow >
< TableCell colSpan={ columns.length } class= "h-24 text-center" >
No results.
</ TableCell >
</ TableRow >
< For each={ table. getRowModel ().rows }>
{ (row) => (
< TableRow data-state={ row. getIsSelected () && "selected" }>
< For each={ row. getVisibleCells () }>
{ (cell) => (
< TableCell >
{ flexRender (
cell. getContext (),
) }
</ TableCell >
) }
</ For >
</ TableRow >
) }
</ For >
</ Show >
</ TableBody >
</ Table >
</ div >
< div class= "flex w-full flex-col-reverse items-center justify-between gap-4 overflow-auto px-2 py-1 sm:flex-row" >
< div class= "flex-1 whitespace-nowrap text-sm text-muted-foreground" >
{ table. getFilteredSelectedRowModel ().rows.length } of { " " }
{ table. getFilteredRowModel ().rows.length } row(s) selected.
</ div >
< div class= "flex flex-col-reverse items-center gap-4 sm:flex-row" >
< div class= "flex items-center space-x-2" >
< p class= "whitespace-nowrap text-sm font-medium" > Rows per page </ p >
< Select
value={ table. getState ().pagination.pageSize }
onChange={ (value) => value && table. setPageSize (value) }
options={ [ 10 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 ] }
itemComponent={ (props) => (
< SelectItem item={ props.item }>{ props.item.rawValue }</ SelectItem >
) }
< SelectTrigger class= "h-8 w-[4.5rem]" >
< SelectValue < string > >
{ (state) => state. selectedOption () }
</ SelectValue >
</ SelectTrigger >
< SelectContent />
</ Select >
</ div >
< div class= "flex items-center justify-center whitespace-nowrap text-sm font-medium" >
Page { table. getState ().pagination.pageIndex + 1 } of { " " }
{ table. getPageCount () }
</ div >
< div class= "flex items-center space-x-2" >
< Button
aria-label= "Go to first page"
variant= "outline"
class= "flex size-8 p-0"
onClick={ () => table. setPageIndex ( 0 ) }
disabled={! table. getCanPreviousPage () }
< svg
xmlns= ""
class= "size-4"
aria-hidden= "true"
viewBox= "0 0 24 24"
< path
fill= "none"
stroke= "currentColor"
stroke-linecap= "round"
stroke-linejoin= "round"
stroke-width= "2"
d= "m11 7l-5 5l5 5m6-10l-5 5l5 5"
</ svg >
</ Button >
< Button
aria-label= "Go to previous page"
variant= "outline"
size= "icon"
class= "size-8"
onClick={ () => table. previousPage () }
disabled={! table. getCanPreviousPage () }
< svg
xmlns= ""
class= "size-4"
aria-hidden= "true"
viewBox= "0 0 24 24"
< path
fill= "none"
stroke= "currentColor"
stroke-linecap= "round"
stroke-linejoin= "round"
stroke-width= "2"
d= "m15 6l-6 6l6 6"
</ svg >
</ Button >
< Button
aria-label= "Go to next page"
variant= "outline"
size= "icon"
class= "size-8"
onClick={ () => table. nextPage () }
disabled={! table. getCanNextPage () }
< svg
xmlns= ""
class= "size-4"
aria-hidden= "true"
viewBox= "0 0 24 24"
< path
fill= "none"
stroke= "currentColor"
stroke-linecap= "round"
stroke-linejoin= "round"
stroke-width= "2"
d= "m9 6l6 6l-6 6"
</ svg >
</ Button >
< Button
aria-label= "Go to last page"
variant= "outline"
size= "icon"
class= "flex size-8"
onClick={ () => table. setPageIndex (table. getPageCount () - 1 ) }
disabled={! table. getCanNextPage () }
< svg
xmlns= ""
class= "size-4"
aria-hidden= "true"
viewBox= "0 0 24 24"
< path
fill= "none"
stroke= "currentColor"
stroke-linecap= "round"
stroke-linejoin= "round"
stroke-width= "2"
d= "m7 7l5 5l-5 5m6-10l5 5l-5 5"
</ svg >
</ Button >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
export default DataTableDemo;